Classes and Workshops

♦ Our gifts will not be revealed until we give them the opportunity to be seen.

sculpture classes, pottery classes

Why We Love Teaching

One of our greatest pleasures is to see the joy in someone’s eyes as they surprise themselves with their newly finished pieces, their new abilities and their new accomplishments.
This is our passion and this is why we love teaching.

Course Program

Choose a class or workshop that will inspire you to express your inner creativity.

Learn the Art of Design, Modelling, Sculpting, Glazing and Firing .

Our classes in ceramic sculpture all take place in our home studio in Pinelands.

we have a lovely group of students who are very friendly and contribute to an extremely pleasant atmosphere in the studio.

Our personalised teaching method is derived partly from 10 years of experience in ceramic sculpture.

Our goal is to help to show you a part of yourself that you may not yet know: those talents that are hidden or that you haven’t yet discovered.

Clay sculpture classes organised by the month

In these classes we work on artistic forms, shapes and different methods of sculpting.
You will learn to make decisions, to be brave, to face your fears, not to give up and to shatter the mistaken belief that you are not up to the task at hand.

Our classes have a maximum of 8 students, so they are like private classes where we will be helping you full time. we will be giving you practical help, showing you sculpting techniques and helping you with those things that will make your learning process easier and your growth faster.

Classes are currently available on the following days at the following times.

Wednesday  17h00-20h00

Thursday      09h30-12h30

Friday           09h00-12h00


The following 2 packages are available, each running over one calendar month.
Fees for the month will depend on the number of session days in the month:

WEEKLY  PACKAGE  (R550 per session)

  • Months with 4 sessions:  R2,200

TWICE  WEEKLY  PACKAGE  (R500 per session)

  • Months with 8 sessions:  R4,000


Fees should be paid before or at the first session of each month.

The following are included in the basic fee:

  • Personalised tuition and assistance.
  • Use of a turntable and all the necessary equipment.

Excluded from the basic fee are the following:

  • Clay R200 for 10kg
  • Glaze
  • Bisque firing
  • Glaze firing